lördag 21 maj 2011

Laura's boyfriend

This is Laura's boyfriend, she is now mated and hopefully there will be kittens around week 29 in July 2011.
I've also changed matingplans for Kaylee, she will meet up with a nice big red male instead in August 2011.

lördag 14 maj 2011

New photos of Kaylee

This is new photos of Kaylee :-) She is a lovely lilactortie almost 1 year old.
I plan to mate her in August-2011, the male isn't decided yet.

söndag 8 maj 2011

One more...

Studio photos

Well let's face it...my pics are crap so I'd went to the studio today instead. Here are they, enjoy!

New photos of Nelly Moser

I've managed to make some new photos of Nelly Moser, she is now back with mom again.
I'm truly blessed to have my lines back!
I'd might have some changes in matingplans, it depens what will happen but I will post the news asap if so.