lördag 26 februari 2011

Vilja 5 weeks old

Vilja is a BIG girl, her fostermum is really doing a great job!!
It's time to register Vilja so she can have her pedigree.

lördag 19 februari 2011

Vilja is 4 weeks

Vilja is now 4 weeks old, courtesy to Carolina Björn who make these wonderful photos ever week!

lördag 12 februari 2011

Laura's kitten 3 weeks old!

I'm very excitied over this marvelous kitten, she's now 3 weeks old and doing great at her fostermum.
I can't wait to see her development, she will stay in the cattery!

fredag 11 februari 2011

Wintersun moved out!

Now has also Wintersun(Sandor) moved out to his new family in Stockholm!
I wish them good luck

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Legend & Belize moved out!

Belize moved to Holland yesterday and Legend to his new family in Stockholm. I wish them good luck!
Wintersun move on Friday and Moonglow 21/2

söndag 6 februari 2011

Laura's kitten 2 weekd old

Laura's kitten Vilja is looking VERY promising, love her look allready!
She will stay in the cattery.

Kiraz kittens 12 weeks old!

Now Kiraz kittens are 12weeks old and soon ready to move out. The first out is Belize and Legend on Tuesday 8th Feb.